BitDust command line



start main BitDust process


start BitDust as a daemon process


restart BitDust


stop BitDust


start BitDust and show the main window


creates a bitdust alias in OS in /usr/local/bin/bitdust or in ~/bin/bitdust if you do not have access to /usr/local/

identity create [nickname] [private key size]

generates a new private key and new identity file for you, key size can be 1024, 2048 or 4096

identity restore [private key source file] [IDURL]

recover existing identity file using backup copy of your private key

identity erase

delete local identity from the machine

key copy

copy private key to clipboard

key backup [a filename for copy of private key]

copy private key into file

key print

print private key to console WARNING!!! never publish your key

get [option]

print current value for given program setting

set [option] [value]

use this command to set program setting

set list

print all available settings and its values

file list

show a full catalog of registered files and folders

file idlist

show a list of items already uploaded on remote peers

file bind [local path]

add given path as a top level item in the catalog

file add [local path]

replicate given path into the catalog, this will add to the catalog all parent folders too

file addtree [local folder path]

replicate given folder with all sub folders to the catalog, be aware if you add too much items to catalog the software may operate inefficient

file start [local path or ID]

start uploading a catalog item on to remote peers, bind a new local file/folder if path is not yet existing in the catalog

file delete [local path, ID or full backup ID]

remove a file or folder (with all sub folders) from catalog or only erase a given remote copy

file delete local [full backup ID]

remove only local copy of given backup, keep remote copy on suppliers HDD

file queue

show a list of paths to be uploaded

file progress

show a list of currently running uploads

file sync

request all suppliers to check/restart uploads

restore list

show a list of items already uploaded on remote peers

restore start [local path or ID] [destination path]

download personal data back to local machine from remote peers, you can specify the destination path on your local drive, WARNING! source path is default location, so it will overwrite existing files by default

restore abort [backup ID]

abort current running restore process of given item

restore progress

show current running downloads

supplier list

show list of your suppliers nodes who stores your data on their machines

supplier replace [IDURL or position]

execute a fire/hire process for a given supplier, another random node will replace him

supplier change [IDURL or position] [new IDURL]

replace a supplier by given node

supplier ping

send Identity packet to all suppliers and wait Ack packets to check their statuses

customer list

show list of your customers nodes who stores their own data on your machine

customer remove [IDURL]

reject supporting given customer and remove all local files stored for him

customer ping

send Identity packet to all customers and wait Ack packets to check their statuses


show donated/needed storage statistic

automat list

list all running state machines and current states

service list

list all registered services

service [service name]

print detailed info for given service

ping [IDURL]

send Identity packet to this node and wait Ack packet to check his status


start a chat session, send/listen text messages from other users

chat send [IDURL] ["text message"]

send a single text message to remote user

api [method] [params]

execute API method and return JSON response


display current software version


print a detailed info for command line usage


print a brief list of available commands


-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-d DEBUG, --debug=DEBUG set debug level

-q, --quite
quite mode, do not print any messages to stdout

-v, --verbose
verbose mode, print more messages

-n, --no-logs
do not use logs

-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT print log messages to the file

-a APPDIR, --appdir=APPDIR set alternative location for application data files, default is ~/.bitdust/

show twisted log messages too


Create an identity

bitdust id create alice

Backup the Private Key

bitdust key backup ~/bitdust-alice-private.key

Some basic configuration

bitdust set needed 100Mb
bitdust set donated 250Mb
bitdust set suppliers 7

Start/Stop software

bitdust detach
bitdust stop
bitdust restart

Upload files/folders

bitdust backup start ~/examples.desktop

List of uploaded items

bitdust backups
bitdust backup list
bitdust backup idlist

Download from remote peers

rm ~/examples.desktop
bitdust restore 0/0/0
ls ~/examples.desktop

bitdust restore /home/veselin/examples.desktop /tmp
ls /tmp/examples.desktop

Remove remote data

bitdust backup delete /home/veselin/examples.desktop

Request the actual info from remote nodes

bitdust backups updated

Ping all suppliers to check their current status

bitdust suppliers ping

Ping a given node by IDURL

bitdust ping

Get some info about donated and consumed space usage

bitdust storage
bitdust set list

Modify a single setting

bitdust set logs/debug-level 8