
Command line syntax

Read single setting value:

bitdust set <option name>

Write single setting value:

bitdust set <option name> <new value>

List all available settings and its current values:

bitdust set list

List of options

auth-secret-enabled (boolean)

interface/api/auth-secret-enabled, default value: true

json-rpc-enabled (undefined)

interface/api/json-rpc-enabled, default value: None

json-rpc-port (undefined)

interface/api/json-rpc-port, default value: None

rest-http-enabled (boolean)

interface/api/rest-http-enabled, default value: true

rest-http-port (port number)

interface/api/rest-http-port, default value: 8180

web-socket-enabled (boolean)

interface/api/web-socket-enabled, default value: true

web-socket-port (port number)

interface/api/web-socket-port, default value: 8280

enabled (boolean)

interface/ftp/enabled, default value: true

port (port number)

interface/ftp/port, default value: 8021

log API calls (boolean)

logs/api-enabled, default value: false

Enable logging of all API calls that reach the main process to the ~/.bitdust/logs/api.log file.

log state machines events (boolean)

logs/automat-events-enabled, default value: false

This option enables logging of all events that are submitted to state machines, see ~/.bitdust/logs/automats.log file.

log state machines transitions (boolean)

logs/automat-transitions-enabled, default value: false

By enabling this option, you can also monitor the life cycle of each state machine running in the main process, see ~/.bitdust/logs/automats.log file.

debug level (positive integer)

logs/debug-level, default value: 0

Higher values of debug-level option will produce more log messages in the console output, see ~/.bitdust/logs/stdout.log file.

memdebug-enabled (boolean)

logs/memdebug-enabled, default value: false

memdebug-port (port number)

logs/memdebug-port, default value: 9996

memprofile-enabled (boolean)

logs/memprofile-enabled, default value: false

log network packets (boolean)

logs/packet-enabled, default value: false

This option enables logging of all incoming & outgoing peer-to-peer packets - very helpful when analyzing/debugging network communications, see ~/.bitdust/logs/packet.log file.

stream-enabled (boolean)

logs/stream-enabled, default value: false

stream-port (port number)

logs/stream-port, default value: 9999

traffic-enabled (boolean)

logs/traffic-enabled, default value: false

traffic-port (port number)

logs/traffic-port, default value: 9997

backups (folder path)

paths/backups, default value:

customers (folder path)

paths/customers, default value:

messages (folder path)

paths/messages, default value:

receipts (folder path)

paths/receipts, default value:

restore (folder path)

paths/restore, default value:

betatester (undefined)

personal/betatester, default value: None

email (undefined)

personal/email, default value: None

name (undefined)

personal/name, default value: None

nickname (undefined)

personal/nickname, default value: None

RSA private key size (positive integer)

personal/private-key-size, default value: 2048

This value you specified when created your identity file for the first time.

surname (undefined)

personal/surname, default value: None

enable accountant service (boolean)

services/accountant/enabled, default value: false

The service is under development.

enable backup-db service (boolean)

services/backup-db/enabled, default value: true

The backup-db service is responsible for storing service information about your files uploaded to the network, such as: file name, version, size.

preferred block size (disk space)

services/backups/block-size, default value: 4 MB

Large files are also divided by chunks during uploading, that parameter defines preferred block size in bytes which is used to split the raw data during uploading.

enable data uploading (boolean)

services/backups/enabled, default value: true

This service enables uploading of encrypted personal data to the BitDust network.

keep locally copies of uploaded files (boolean)

services/backups/keep-local-copies-enabled, default value: true

Enable this to keep a copy of every uploaded file on your local disk as well as on remote machines of your suppliers. This increases data reliability, rebuilding performance and decrease network load, but consumes much storage space of your own device.

maximum block size (disk space)

services/backups/max-block-size, default value: 16 MB

Maximum block size in bytes which used to split the raw data during uploading process. The actual block size is calculated depending on size of the particular backup to optimize performance and data storage. If you plan to do a large file uploads - set higher values to increase the performance.

number of copies (positive integer)

services/backups/max-copies, default value: 2

When you upload same file multiple times data is not overwritten - another version is created instead. This value indicates how many versions of same uploaded file must be stored on remote suppliers. The oldest copies are removed automatically. A value of 0 indicates unlimited number of versions.

extra check after 24 hours (boolean)

services/backups/wait-suppliers-enabled, default value: true

When critical amount of your suppliers become unreliable - your uploaded data is lost completely. Enable this option to wait for 24 hours after any file upload and perform an extra check of all suppliers before cleaning up the local copy. This is a compromise solution that does not sacrifice reliability but also decrease local storage consumption.

enabled (boolean)

services/bismuth-blockchain/enabled, default value: true

enabled (boolean)

services/bismuth-identity/enabled, default value: true

enabled (boolean)

services/bismuth-miner/enabled, default value: false

enabled (boolean)

services/bismuth-node/enabled, default value: false

host (string)

services/bismuth-node/host, default value:

tcp-port (port number)

services/bismuth-node/tcp-port, default value: 15658

enabled (boolean)

services/bismuth-pool/enabled, default value: false

host (string)

services/bismuth-pool/host, default value:

tcp-port (port number)

services/bismuth-pool/tcp-port, default value: 18525

enabled (boolean)

services/bismuth-wallet/enabled, default value: true

enabled (boolean)

services/blockchain-authority/enabled, default value: false

registration-bonus-coins (positive integer)

services/blockchain-authority/registration-bonus-coins, default value: 100

requests-reading-limit (non zero positive integer)

services/blockchain-authority/requests-reading-limit, default value: 50

requests-reading-offset (positive integer)

services/blockchain-authority/requests-reading-offset, default value: 0

enabled (boolean)

services/blockchain-explorer/enabled, default value: false

host (string)

services/blockchain-explorer/host, default value:

web-port (port number)

services/blockchain-explorer/web-port, default value: 19080

enabled (boolean)

services/blockchain-id/enabled, default value: true

enabled (undefined)

services/blockchain/enabled, default value: None

enabled (undefined)

services/blockchain/explorer/enabled, default value: None

port (undefined)

services/blockchain/explorer/port, default value: None

host (undefined)

services/blockchain/host, default value: None

enabled (undefined)

services/blockchain/miner/enabled, default value: None

port (undefined)

services/blockchain/port, default value: None

seeds (undefined)

services/blockchain/seeds, default value: None

enabled (undefined)

services/blockchain/wallet/enabled, default value: None

port (undefined)

services/blockchain/wallet/port, default value: None

send & receive encrypted broadcast messages (boolean)

services/broadcasting/enabled, default value: false

The service is under development.

max-broadcast-connections (non zero positive integer)

services/broadcasting/max-broadcast-connections, default value: 3

routing-enabled (boolean)

services/broadcasting/routing-enabled, default value: false

accounting of spent & donated resources (boolean)

services/contract-chain/enabled, default value: false

The service is under development.

digitally signed customer contracts (boolean)

services/customer-contracts/enabled, default value: true

The service is under development.

maintain service info for my customers (boolean)

services/customer-family/enabled, default value: true

When supplier service is enabled and started your device will also write additional service information to distributed hash table. This way people are able to access encrypted shared files of each other on different suppliers across the network.

customer idle limit (positive integer)

services/customer-patrol/customer-idle-days, default value: 14

This option enables few periodic checks and will auto-reject customers who are no longer using your device to store any data. Specify number of days of customer inactivity before user will be rejected and data erased automatically. A value of 0 disables the feature.

reject customers who are out of quota (boolean)

services/customer-patrol/enabled, default value: true

When you are running supplier service other users are able to store files on your device. The customer-patrol service makes sure that your customers do not exceed requested and agreed storage quotas.

assist my customers (boolean)

services/customer-support/enabled, default value: true

This service performs periodic synchronization for your customers when you also enabled the supplier service and thus agreed to store encrypted data for them. Your device will try to reconnect with all known customers and keep them up to date with the full list of files they own.

store encrypted data on other nodes (boolean)

services/customer/enabled, default value: true

To be able to upload files to the BitDust network other nodes, called suppliers, must be already connected and allocate storage space for you. The customer service is responsible for maintaining real-time connections with all of your suppliers and requesting storage space automatically.

needed space (disk space)

services/customer/needed-space, default value: 256 MB

How much storage space do you require to store your uploaded files? WARNING! When your uploaded files exceed the quota size you set here the older versions will be automatically erased by suppliers.

number of suppliers (selection)

services/customer/suppliers-number, default value: 2

Number of suppliers who stores your encrypted files. You may select one of the following values: 2, 4, 7, 13, 18, 26, 64. WARNING! You will lose all of your uploaded files when changing preferred number of suppliers.

enable RAID & ECC data processing (boolean)

services/data-disintegration/enabled, default value: true

Before the encrypted data is sent to the target storage nodes, it will be chunked and processed. Each fragment corresponds to a supplier position in accordance with the number of suppliers you have selected. Data processing includes error correction codes and redundancy to enable restoration of missing fragments in the future.

streaming of encrypted data (boolean)

services/data-motion/enabled, default value: true

The service creates a queue of incoming and outgoing encrypted fragments of your data when uploading and downloading from the nodes of remote providers.

concurrent outgoing packets (non zero positive integer)

services/data-motion/supplier-request-queue-size, default value: 4

Determines the maximum number of encrypted data packets sent at the same time. Affects the speed of data uploading to the suppliers' machines.

concurrent incoming packets (non zero positive integer)

services/data-motion/supplier-sending-queue-size, default value: 4

Determines the maximum number of simultaneously received encrypted data packets. Affects the speed of data downloading from the suppliers' machines.

candidates list (string)

services/employer/candidates, default value:

Place here a comma-separated list of nodes identifiers, in IDURL format, to be used first when the service tries to find a new supplier for you. This way you can control who will be your supplier and where your data is stored. Option is intended for advanced software use.

search & connect with available suppliers (boolean)

services/employer/enabled, default value: true

In order to store data on the network, you must already have your suppliers ready and accepting your uploads. The employer network service automatically searches for new suppliers through the DHT network and monitors their reliability.

automatically replace unreliable suppliers (boolean)

services/employer/replace-critically-offline-enabled, default value: true

The moment a critical number of your suppliers become unreliable, your uploaded data is no longer available for downloading. When this option is enabled, your software will automatically replace the unreliable supplier when needed and reconstruct missing fragments.

override attached DHT layers (string)

services/entangled-dht/attached-layers, default value:

The software supports several local routing tables for the ability to store service data on the DHT at different parallel "layers". This allows the network services to be separated from each other and also makes possible to run lookups in the DHT more faster. On startup, your device will be automatically connected to some of the layers. This value overrides this list and is intended for advanced software use.

distributed hash-table node (boolean)

services/entangled-dht/enabled, default value: true

Your device becomes one of the peers in the DHT network. Provides the ability to read and write to a distributed hash table and access networking service layers.

override seed-nodes list (string)

services/entangled-dht/known-nodes, default value:

For the initial entrance to the DHT network, a list of so-called seed-nodes is required. In the future, your device will work autonomously - thanks to the local routing table. This value allows you to override the initial set of hard-coded seed-nodes and is intended for advanced software use.

node-id (undefined)

services/entangled-dht/node-id, default value: None

UDP port number (port number)

services/entangled-dht/udp-port, default value: 14441

Set a UDP port number to be used for distributed hash-table communications.

enable encrypted peer-to-peer traffic (boolean)

services/gateway/enabled, default value: true

You can use TCP, UDP, and other network protocols to communicate with people on the network. The gateway service controls application transport protocols and all encrypted packets passing through and reaching application engine. Every incoming packet is digitally verified here, processed and sent to the underlying services.

peer-to-peer reply timeout (positive integer)

services/gateway/p2p-timeout, default value: 15

Due to network failures or slowness, signed peer-to-peer packets are considered as "undelivered" without receiving a confirmation of delivery within the specified number of seconds.

packet-log-enabled (undefined)

services/gateway/packet-log-enabled, default value: None

HTTP enabled (boolean)

services/http-connections/enabled, default value: false

This will allow BitDust to use the HTTP protocol for service data and encrypted traffic

HTTP port number (port number)

services/http-connections/http-port, default value: 9993

That option defines a port number to be used to listen for incoming HTTP connections.

use HTTP as a transport protocol (boolean)

services/http-transport/enabled, default value: false

Your BitDust node must have at least one active and reliable transport protocol to be able to connect to other nodes via Internet. The service is under development.

priority (positive integer)

services/http-transport/priority, default value: 50

You can change this setting if you want BitDust to use the http-transport more often than other transport protocols. Lower values have higher priority.

receiving via HTTP (boolean)

services/http-transport/receiving-enabled, default value: true

Disable this option if you do not want other nodes to send you encrypted data over HTTP and use transport protocol in unidirectional mode.

sending via HTTP (boolean)

services/http-transport/sending-enabled, default value: true

Disable this option if you do not want to send encrypted data over HTTP and use transport protocol in unidirectional mode.

automatic identity rotation (boolean)

services/identity-propagate/automatic-rotate-enabled, default value: true

Automatically replaces untrusted ID servers - nodes that store a copy of your identity file. This way, your device will remain identifiable on the network even when it is offline.

signed identity files exchange (boolean)

services/identity-propagate/enabled, default value: true

Your identity file stores service information that is used by other nodes when they connect to your device to transfer data. This service manages the synchronization and propagating of your identity file, and also remembers the identity files of other users.

health check interval (positive integer)

services/identity-propagate/health-check-interval-seconds, default value: 300

The period in seconds between checks that could potentially cause an automatic identity rotation when your primary ID server is down.

known-servers (string)

services/identity-propagate/known-servers, default value:

max-servers (non zero positive integer)

services/identity-propagate/max-servers, default value: 5

min-servers (non zero positive integer)

services/identity-propagate/min-servers, default value: 2

preferred-servers (string)

services/identity-propagate/preferred-servers, default value:

start Identity server (boolean)

services/identity-server/enabled, default value: false

You can start own Identity server and store identity files of other users on your machine. This will help others to join and operate in the BitDust network.

your server host name (string)

services/identity-server/host, default value:

Each ID server must have a unique address within the network, set your external IP address or domain name here.

TCP port number (port number)

services/identity-server/tcp-port, default value: 6661

TCP transport protocol is used for receiving digitally-signed identity files from other nodes. That option defines TCP port number to be used to listen for incoming connections.

HTTP port number (port number)

services/identity-server/web-port, default value: 8084

Port number for Identity server HTTP interface. This is used when other nodes are "reading" identity files from your Identity server.

reply STUN requests (boolean)

services/ip-port-responder/enabled, default value: true

Helps other hosts connect to the network. When the device is behind a NAT router, additional steps are required to determine the real external IP address.

enabled (boolean)

services/joint-postman/enabled, default value: true

enables keys management (boolean)

services/keys-registry/enabled, default value: true

Keeps track of all your RSA keys that are used to encrypt files and messages.

enable keys synchronization (boolean)

services/keys-storage/enabled, default value: true

The service maintains an encrypted backup of every RSA key you possess on your suppliers so that you can recover the keys and encrypted data in case of loss.

reset unreliable backup copies (boolean)

services/keys-storage/reset-unreliable-backup-copies, default value: true

In worst scenario, when your suppliers are not reliable anymore and uploaded data got lost, software will be blocked trying to synchronize your keys. This setting helps to overcome this situation by using locally stored copies of the keys.

exchange service data with suppliers (boolean)

services/list-files/enabled, default value: true

The supplier does not know the real name of the file you uploaded to the network, but stores indexed fragments of your encrypted data. The list-files service synchronizes index data and file lists with your suppliers.

archive chunk size (non zero positive integer)

services/message-broker/archive-chunk-size, default value: 100

Old messages in the queue are split into blocks, encrypted and archived on the suppliers nodes.

brokers synchronization timeout (non zero positive integer)

services/message-broker/broker-negotiate-ack-timeout, default value: 30

Each queue requires three message brokers at all time (main, secondary, third) and those three must cooperate with each other periodically to stay in sync. This value defines a timeout for an acknowledgment from another broker. When one of the brokers broker is unreliable, eventually all three will be "rotated" and "dead" broker will be replaced by fresh one.

help others to stream encrypted messages (boolean)

services/message-broker/enabled, default value: false

The message-broker service stores and organizes a message queue of encrypted JSON message thru your device. Other users are able to connect to your device to exchange messages and thus you will supports group chats for other users particularly.

message acknowledgment timeout (non zero positive integer)

services/message-broker/message-ack-timeout, default value: 30

Due to network failures or slowness, peer-to-peer messages are considered as "undelivered" without receiving a confirmation of delivery within the specified number of seconds.

preferred-brokers (text)

services/message-broker/preferred-brokers, default value:

store messaging history (boolean)

services/message-history/enabled, default value: true

All your conversations are stored in a local SQLite3 database and are quickly searchable.

enable blockchain mining (boolean)

services/miner/enabled, default value: false

The service is under development.

remote files indexing (boolean)

services/my-data/enabled, default value: true

The service synchronizes with my suppliers in real time and prepares the encrypted storage environment for other dependent network services.

detect my external IP via other nodes (boolean)

services/my-ip-port/enabled, default value: true

The service relies on other nodes and uses the STUN protocol to recognize your public IP address when connecting to the network.

network is enabled (boolean)

services/network/enabled, default value: true

Basic network service of the application. If you disable it, all other network services will be turned off as well and your device will go offline.

enabled (boolean)

services/network/proxy/enabled, default value: false

host (string)

services/network/proxy/host, default value:

password (password)

services/network/proxy/password, default value:

port (port number)

services/network/proxy/port, default value:

ssl (boolean)

services/network/proxy/ssl, default value: false

username (string)

services/network/proxy/username, default value:

limit incoming traffic (positive integer)

services/network/receive-limit, default value: 125000000

The value in bytes per second to limit incoming network traffic. Set value to 0 if you do not want to limit your incoming traffic.

limit outgoing traffic (positive integer)

services/network/send-limit, default value: 12500000

The value in bytes per second to limit outgoing network traffic. Set value to 0 if you do not want to limit your outgoing traffic.

lookup nodes via DHT (boolean)

services/nodes-lookup/enabled, default value: true

The network-lookup service allows nodes to find each other in distributed hash table and initiate direct peer-to-peer connection when resources need to be allocated.

peer-to-peer connections (boolean)

services/p2p-hookups/enabled, default value: true

The service is responsible for starting and maintaining direct network connections with other nodes in order to be able to transfer personal data instantly.

events & notifications delivery (boolean)

services/p2p-notifications/enabled, default value: true

Supports other network services while sending and receiving service events.

personal messages (boolean)

services/personal-messages/enabled, default value: true

Allows you to read incoming encrypted messages even when your device is disconnected. Other nodes, called "message brokers", will maintain a stream of messages that you can subscribe to and receive at any time.

connect timeout (non zero positive integer)

services/private-groups/broker-connect-timeout, default value: 120

Defines a timeout in seconds for an acknowledgment from message broker while connecting to the group.

group communications (boolean)

services/private-groups/enabled, default value: true

Allows the exchange of encrypted messages with multiple users using the same secret key through message brokers.

acknowledgment timeout (non zero positive integer)

services/private-groups/message-ack-timeout, default value: 30

Defines a timeout in seconds for an acknowledgment after sending encrypted message to message broker.

preferred-brokers (text)

services/private-groups/preferred-brokers, default value:

acknowledge-unread-messages-enabled (boolean)

services/private-messages/acknowledge-unread-messages-enabled, default value: true

encrypted peer-to-peer messaging (boolean)

services/private-messages/enabled, default value: true

Enables peer-to-peer sending & receiving of encrypted JSON messages and also supports underlying services.

current-routes (text)

services/proxy-server/current-routes, default value: {}

help others transmit encrypted traffic (boolean)

services/proxy-server/enabled, default value: false

Your device will act as an intermediate node and help other users stay connected to the network and exchange encrypted packets with each other. This will consume your Internet traffic.

maximum simultaneous connections (positive integer)

services/proxy-server/routes-limit, default value: 20

This option sets a limit on the number of connections your device will support at any given time.

current-router (string)

services/proxy-transport/current-router, default value:

use intermediate nodes (boolean)

services/proxy-transport/enabled, default value: true

The proxy-transport network protocol allows you to use another user's device as an intermediate node for encrypted data exchange. This solves certain problems when connecting to the network and also makes your network connection more anonymous.

my-original-identity (text)

services/proxy-transport/my-original-identity, default value:

preferred-routers (text)

services/proxy-transport/preferred-routers, default value:

priority (positive integer)

services/proxy-transport/priority, default value: 100

You can change this setting if you want BitDust to use the proxy-transport more often than other transport protocols. Lower values have higher priority.

receiving enabled (boolean)

services/proxy-transport/receiving-enabled, default value: true

Disable this option if you do not want other nodes to send you encrypted data via intermediate node and use that transport protocol in unidirectional mode.

router-lifetime-seconds (undefined)

services/proxy-transport/router-lifetime-seconds, default value: None

sending enabled (boolean)

services/proxy-transport/sending-enabled, default value: true

Disable this option if you do not want to send encrypted data via intermediate node and use that transport protocol in unidirectional mode.

child-processes-enabled (undefined)

services/rebuilding/child-processes-enabled, default value: None

automatic data rebuilding (boolean)

services/rebuilding/enabled, default value: true

When one of your suppliers is not available for some reason, all encrypted fragments that he stored for you are lost. The rebuilding service will automatically download the available fragments from those suppliers that are still online, and "rebuild" the lost fragments that the new supplier receives. WARNING! At the moment when a critical number of fragments are lost, downloading data is no longer possible.

enable data downloading (boolean)

services/restores/enabled, default value: true

Controls network connections and incoming data streams when downloading encrypted fragments from suppliers nodes.

enable data sharing (boolean)

services/shared-data/enabled, default value: true

Makes possible decentralized sharing of encrypted files with other users.

duration-raise-factor (non zero positive floating point)

services/supplier-contracts/duration-raise-factor, default value: 2.0

digitally signed supplier contracts (boolean)

services/supplier-contracts/enabled, default value: true

The service is under development.

initial-duration-hours (non zero positive integer)

services/supplier-contracts/initial-duration-hours, default value: 6

enabled (undefined)

services/supplier-relations/enabled, default value: None

donated space (disk space)

services/supplier/donated-space, default value: 8 GB

The amount of storage space you want to donate to other users.

services/supplier/enabled, default value: true

To make it possible to store any files on the network, some other nodes must already be connected and provide storage space. The supplier service allocates a part of your disk and serves encrypted files uploaded to your device from remote nodes.

TCP enabled (boolean)

services/tcp-connections/enabled, default value: true

This will allow BitDust to use the TCP protocol for service data and encrypted traffic

tcp-port (port number)

services/tcp-connections/tcp-port, default value: 7771

Port number to listen for incoming TCP connections.

upnp-enabled (boolean)

services/tcp-connections/upnp-enabled, default value: true

The feature is under development and temporarily disabled.

use TCP as a transport protocol (boolean)

services/tcp-transport/enabled, default value: true

BitDust can use different protocols to transfer packets across the network. Your node must have at least one active and reliable transport protocol to be able to connect to other nodes via Internet.

priority (positive integer)

services/tcp-transport/priority, default value: 10

You can change this setting if you want BitDust to use the tcp-transport more often than other transport protocols. Lower values have higher priority.

receiving via TCP (boolean)

services/tcp-transport/receiving-enabled, default value: true

Disable this option if you do not want other nodes to send you encrypted data over TCP and use tcp-transport in unidirectional mode.

sending via TCP (boolean)

services/tcp-transport/sending-enabled, default value: true

Disable this option if you do not want to send encrypted data over TCP and use tcp-transport in unidirectional mode.

UDP enabled (boolean)

services/udp-datagrams/enabled, default value: true

This will allow BitDust to use the UDP protocol for service data and encrypted traffic.

udp-port (port number)

services/udp-datagrams/udp-port, default value: 8882

Port number to listen for incoming UDP datagrams.

use UDP as a transport protocol (boolean)

services/udp-transport/enabled, default value: false

BitDust can use different protocols to transfer packets across the network. Your node must have at least one active and reliable transport protocol to be able to connect to other nodes via Internet. The service is under development.

priority (positive integer)

services/udp-transport/priority, default value: 20

You can change this setting if you want BitDust to use the udp-transport more often than other transport protocols. Lower values have higher priority.

receiving-enabled (boolean)

services/udp-transport/receiving-enabled, default value: true

Disable this option if you do not want other nodes to send you encrypted data over UDP and use udp-transport in unidirectional mode.

sending-enabled (boolean)

services/udp-transport/sending-enabled, default value: true

Disable this option if you do not want to send encrypted data over UDP and use udp-transport in unidirectional mode.